Who Spends More Online?

Men Spend 68% More Online Than Women



This came as a bit of a shock when I first read it.

But when you think about it, it makes sense.

On average, men spend $220 per transaction compared to $151 per transaction for women.

So it’s not that men shop more than women, it’s that they spend more per transaction.

Male consumers are more likely to buy higher priced items such as luxury products and electronics. Whereas women tend to buy lower priced items such as cosmetics and food.

Moreover, when men shop online, they tend to be efficient, meaning they buy more in bulk to save time.

When selling to a male audience, you can increase conversions by offering related products and package deals.

When prospects go through checkout, they can add products to their order that compliments what they already have in their cart.

Offering related products during checkout makes it easy for customers (both men and women) to quickly add items without having to abandon their cart to search for more products.

Takeaway: Only show items that are relevant to what’s already in the cart. If the related items go well with the item(s) in the cart, prospects are more likely to buy them too.

More 2019 Stats

Mobile Ecommerce is Expected to Account for 67.2 Percent of Digital Sales in 2019

65 Percent of Shoppers Look up Price Comparisons on their Mobile Device While in a Physical Store

81% of Consumers Trust the Advice of Family and Friends Over Businesses

81% of Shoppers Research their Product Online before Purchasing

60% of deals in the pipeline are lost to “no decision” rather than to competitors.

Average E-Commerce Conversion Rates Vary from 2.8% to 4.5%

Today, 97% of consumers go online to research products and services.

33% of B2C Ecommerce Website are also Conducting B2B Transactions

26% of Shoppers are Likely to Share a Product on Social Media after Purchase

17% of salespeople did not attend college

More Stats

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