
Why is it important for companies to respond quickly to a prospect’s form submission?

7% of companies respond within five minutes of a prospect’s form submission while 50% don’t even respond until five business days later

Slow response times to prospect inquiries can be a costly mistake for businesses. According to research, only 7 percent of companies respond within five minutes of a prospect’s form submission. Meanwhile, 50 percent of companies don’t even ...

How does the use of social media impact the sales performance of salespeople compared to their peers?

78% of salespeople that make use of social media outsell their peers

According to recent studies, sales professionals who incorporate social media into their sales strategy are seeing significant gains in their sales performance. In fact, 78% of salespeople who make use of social media outsell their peers.


What are some common reasons why B2B purchases are difficult or complex for buyers?

77% of B2B buyers reported that their latest purchase was either “Difficult” or “Very Complex”

According to recent research, B2B buying can be a challenging process, with 77 percent of buyers stating that their latest purchase was either “difficult” or “very complex.”

This statistic highlights the need for ...

How important do salespeople consider sales technology to be in closing deals?

76% of salespeople consider sales technology critical to closing deals

Sales technology is becoming an increasingly important aspect of the sales process, with 76% of salespeople citing it as “critical” or “extremely critical” to closing deals. The use of technology has revolutionized the way ...

How is the increasing preference for video meetings among B2B decision-makers affecting the sales process?

77% of B2B decision-makers prefer video meetings over phone calls with vendors

In the current era of digital transformation, video has become an increasingly popular medium for communication in various industries, including B2B sales. According to recent statistics, 77 percent of B2B decision-makers prefer to meet with ...

What is the impact on sales when sellers fail to engage with buyers early in the process?

71% of buyers want to hear from sellers early in the buying process

Sales is a constantly evolving landscape. As new technologies emerge and businesses adapt to the changes, sales teams need to keep up to remain competitive. One of the key areas that sales reps need to focus on is early engagement in sales. ...

What are some effective strategies for improving sales productivity?

31% of sales pros find no significant difference between selling remotely and in-person

According to a recent survey, 31% of sales professionals who sell both remotely and in-person believe that there is not much of a difference between remote selling and in-person selling. The survey, conducted by a leading sales consultancy firm, ...

How can sales reps shift their language to emphasize collaboration and increase their chances of success?

The Power of Collaborative Language in Sales: Why Using “We” and “Us” is More Effective

In the world of sales, it’s not just what you say, but how you say it that matters. Sales reps who use collaborative language, such as “we” and “us,” are 10 times more likely to be successful than those who use ...

How can companies implement effective sales enablement initiatives to increase their sales?

Sales enablement initiatives increased sales for 76% of companies by 6%-20%

Sales enablement is a crucial factor in the success of a business, with more and more companies implementing it to improve their sales performance. In fact, according to recent research, 76% of companies report a 6%-20% increase in sales after ...

What are the best practices for successful cold calling in today's digital age?

41.2% of sales reps say that their phone is the most effective tool for performing their jobs

According to a recent survey, 41.2% of sales reps believe that their phone is the most effective tool for performing their jobs. This finding raises an important question: is cold calling still an effective strategy for sales?

For many ...

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