Does Your Website Load Slow?

$6.8 Billion Dollars Are Lost Annually as a Result of Slow-Loading Website



There are even more statistics and facts within the infographic itself, but these are the hardest-hitting, at-a-glance stats we found. Even if you just take a quick glance at these numbers, you can seethe value in a beautiful, functional website that really serves the user.

As modern web users, we all have expectations. If a page loads slowly, if a site loads poorly on your mobile device, or if you can’t find the information you’re looking for, you’re going to head to another website. Immediately.

Web designers already know this, of course. But if you’re pursuing a DIY solution for your own website, or are planning on enlisting a designer soon, then the general concepts you pull from these statistics are something you should keep in mind. The user comes first, and approaching a website in any other way usually results in costly mistakes and missed opportunities.


More 2018 Stats

40% say getting response from prospects harder now than 3 years ago.

U.S. Retail Ecommerce Sales are Expected to Surpass 735 Billion by 2023

B2C Companies that Leverage ‘Marketing Automation’ Have Seen Conversions as High as 50%

47% of Website Visitors Check Out a Company’s Products/Services Page Before Looking at any Other Sections of the Site

88% of Shoppers Characterize Detailed Product Content as Being Extremely Important to their Purchasing Decisions

53% of Content Marketers Use Interactive Content in Lead Generation Efforts

Online Stores That Have a Social Presence Have 32% More Sales on Average Than Online Stores that Don’t

8 out of 10 or 82% of Marketers Say Knowing How to Test Effectively is “Somewhat” or “Very Challenging”

Personalized Call-To-Actions Convert 42% More Visitors into Leads than Generic CTAs

50% of Total eCommerce Revenue Comes from Mobile

More Stats

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