How Much Do You Spend Online?

Americans Spend 36% of their Shopping Budget Online



Gen Z respondents spend 8% more of their discretionary income each month online than the global average – and tend to prefer online purchases to those made offline.

More 2018 Stats

Micro-Influencers are Capable of Generating 22.2X Higher Conversion Rates than Other Types of Influencers

73% of Companies are Investing in Design to Differentiate Their Brands

7 Top Converting Companies Spend More than 5% of their Budgets on Optimization

79% of Marketers Already Using Interactive Content Plan to Increase Their Use in the Next 12 Months

Personalized Call-To-Actions Convert 42% More Visitors into Leads than Generic CTAs

U.S. Retail Ecommerce Sales are Expected to Surpass 735 Billion by 2023

30% of Demand Generation Professionals Say that Pipeline Influence is their Top Indicator

96% of Americans Have Made an Online Purchase in their Life

54% of Shoppers will Purchase Products Left in Shopping Carts if those Products are Subsequently Offered at a Lower Price

88% of Shoppers Characterize Detailed Product Content as Being Extremely Important to their Purchasing Decisions

More Stats

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