Do You Buy Things After Received an Email?

Email Marketing Contributes to 20% of Traffic Driving Ecommerce Sales

Wolfgang Digital


eCommerce websites should include email marketing in their business strategy. It can be a great way to connect with their audience, drive sales, and even pave the way to repeat customers.

More 2018 Stats

Call-To-Actions That Are Surrounded By More Negative Space and Less Clutter Increases a Company’s Conversion Rate by 232%

88% of Online Shoppers Will Use Webrooming to Find the Best Price

Lack of Resources (Staff, Funding, Time) is the Biggest Obstacle for 61% of Marketers Working on B2B Lead Generation

Given 15 Minutes to Consume Content, Two-Thirds of People Would Rather Read Something Beautifully Designed Than Something Plain

72% of Shoppers Return 10% or Less of Purchases

30% of Online Shoppers are Millennials are are Between 18 and 34 Years Old

73% of Companies are Investing in Design to Differentiate Their Brands

Personalized Call-To-Actions Convert 42% More Visitors into Leads than Generic CTAs

74% of Online Shoppers Rate Product Selection as Important During the Online Search Process

69% of B2B Businesses Say They Expect to Stop Printing Catalogs Within Five Years

More Stats

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