Should You Add More Landing Pages?

Companies see a 55% increase in leads when Increasing their number of landing pages from 10 to 15.

While most companies don’t see an increase in leads when increasing their total number of landing pages from 1-5 to 6-10, companies do see a 55% increase in leads when increasing their number of landing pages from 10 to 15. And look how that leads index number spikes even more when a company has 40 or more landing pages on their website.

While both B2B and B2C companies seem to benefit from having more landing pages, it seems to be even more advantageous for B2Bs to hit that 40 landing page threshold.

1) More Landing Pages Means More Conversion Opportunities

Quite simply, the more landing pages you have on your website, the more opportunities you have to convert site visitors into leads. There’s also a huge SEO benefit to having more landing pages, which can have an impact even before visitors land on your website. Think about it: The more landing pages you have, the more landing pages will be indexed in search. And if a searcher stumbles upon a search result that directs them straight to one of your landing pages, you’ll have essentially cut out the extra step of a visitor perusing your site and needing to click on a call-to-action to get to that same landing page. In other words, the pathway from discovery to conversion has much less friction. And do you know what happens when there’s less friction? You generate more leads.

2) More Landing Pages Means More Variety

You’ve all heard that saying, “variety is the spice of life,” right? Yep — it applies to marketing, too. Consider it from your visitors’ perspective. Say you’re visiting a business’ website, and you surf on over to its “Resources” section (you know, where a business might organize all its offers and their respective landing pages). Now let’s also say that “Resources” page only features 5 — or even 10, according to the research cited above — offers because, well, those are the only offers this particular business has available. And maybe none of those offers really appeal to you, because well … there’s just not enough variety. So you go on your web browsing way, abandoning the site without converting on anything. And hey, the same thing will happen if that business only has CTAs for a few offers placed throughout your website or promoted via their other marketing channels. If none of them tickle your fancy as a visitor, you’re probably not going to convert.

In a nutshell, don’t let this happen to you. Creating more landing pages means you’ll have a wider variety of offers for your visitors to convert on and for you to promote, which leads us to reason number three …

3) More Landing Pages Means More Marketing Collateral

The more landing pages you have, the more offers you’ll have to fuel the rest of your inbound marketing efforts. Remember, content is the heart and soul of any successful inbound marketing strategy. Without it, you’d have nothing to email your contacts, nothing to share with your social media fans and followers, nothing to promote through your website calls-to-action, nothing by which to get found and rank for your keywords in search. The more offers — and landing pages to house those offers — you have, the more (and more effective) inbound marketing you can do. And because reason number two (variety) is also a big factor in this, the more landing pages you have, the more prospects you’ll be able to capture as leads for your business.

4) More Landing Pages Means More Targeting Opportunities

Segmentation matters — and not just when it comes to email marketing. But when you identify various different buyer personas and segments within your audience, you have the opportunity to better appeal to those different audiences’ interests and needs with more targeted and relevant offers. And to leverage this savvy thinking, face it: You need more landing pages. So what naturally ends up happening for marketers who build up a big arsenal of 40+ landing pages, is they start to create more segmentspecific content that, because it’s highly relevant to different parts of their audience, is much better able to convert visitors into leads.


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