How Much Do You Spend Aquiring Customers?

For Every $92 Spent Acquiring Customers, only $1 is Spent Converting Them

Though the market has grown rapidly, average online retail conversion rates have fallen.

The fact that, for every $92 spent acquiring customers, just $1 is spent converting them has a lot to do with this.

More 2018 Stats

Anchor Text CTAs (Clickable Text in a Hyperlink) Increase Conversion Rates by a Whooping 121%

As of Q2 2018, 2.86 Percent of E-Commerce Website Visits Converted into Purchases

40% of Millennials Have Used Voice Search Before Making a Purchase Online, According to Studies

23% of Users Will Abandon Their Shopping Cart if they Have to Create a New User Account

Emails with a Single Call-to-Action Increased Sales 1617%

50% of Total eCommerce Revenue Comes from Mobile

33% of US Females Aged 18-34 Say They Would “Ideally Buy Everything Online”

48 hours after a virtual sales call, buyers only retain 10% of what you talked about.

$6.8 Billion Dollars Are Lost Annually as a Result of Slow-Loading Website

According to Nielson, 50% of Redeemed Mobile Coupons are Captured Directly from a Retailer’s Site by the Consumer

More Conversion Optimization Stats

People are Searching Google for the Phrase “Conversion Rate Optimization” More Than Ever Before

44% of Companies use A/B or Split Testing Software

Add a Beard to Your Models to Increase in Cart Adds by 49%

The Average Number of Form Fields on Landing Page Conversion Forms is 11

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Tools Offer a 223% ROI on Average

Using Video on Landing Pages can Increase Conversion by 80%

But Removing the Navigation Menu can Increase Conversions by 100%

60% of deals in the pipeline are lost to “no decision” rather than to competitors.

Referrals Have the Highest Conversion Rates of all Customer Acquisition Channels at 3.74%

Companies see a 55% Increase in Leads when Increasing their Number of Landing Pages from 10 to 15

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