What do you know about Conversion Rate Optimization?

A Typical Website Conversion Rate is about 2.35% on Average

Conversion is a key element in your paid search strategy; after all, if you’re not actually turning lookers into buyers at a high rate, what are you advertising for? Conversion rate optimization enables you to maximize every cent of your PPC spend by finding that sweet spot that convinces the maximum percentage of your prospects to take action.

But what is a good conversion rate? If you’re already achieving 3%, 5% or even 10% conversion rates, is that as high as you’re going to go? But what is a good conversion rate? Across industries, the average landing page conversion rate was 2.35%, yet the top 25% are converting at 5.31% or higher. Ideally, you want to break into the top 10% — these are the landing pages with conversion rates of 11.45% or higher.

We recently analyzed thousands of Google Ads (formerly known as AdWords) accounts with a combined $3 billion in annual spend and discovered that some advertisers are converting at rates two or three times the average. Do you want to be average, or do you want your account to perform exponentially better than others in your industry?

Through our analysis of this massive amount of data on landing pages and conversion rates, we were able to identify some common traits of the top converting landing pages. What do they have that you don’t? Believe it or not, there isn’t much standing between you and conversion rates double or triple what you’re seeing today. But the way you’re going to get there is totally counter to typical conversion rate optimization wisdom.

More 2019 Stats

26% of Shoppers are Likely to Share a Product on Social Media after Purchase

Abandoned Cart Emails Sent within 20 Minutes Have an Average Conversion rate of 5.2%

Average Click-thru Rate of Newsletter Campaigns from Ecommerce Stores to Customers is 4.6%

80% of Respondents Said They Had Stopped Doing Business with a Company Because of a Poor Customer Experience

60% of Online Shoppers Abandon Their Carts Because of Unexpected Extra Costs

71% of salespeople are using social selling tools

The Average Conversion Rate in AdWords Across all Industries is 2.7% on the Search Network and 0.89% on the Display Network

8% of Online Shoppers Engage in a Live Chat Conversation before Placing an Order

24% of salespeople reported that they majored in business in college

Apple Pay Orders have a 1.8% Transaction Share on B2C Websites Accepting Apple Pay at Checkout

More Conversion Optimization Stats

44% of Companies use A/B or Split Testing Software

Anchor Text CTAs (Clickable Text in a Hyperlink) Increase Conversion Rates by a Whooping 121%

Only About 22 Percent of Businesses are Satisfied with their Conversion Rates

Imagescape Saw a 160% Increase in Submissions When They Decreased Form Fields from 11 to a Mere Four

8 out of 10 or 82% of Marketers Say Knowing How to Test Effectively is “Somewhat” or “Very Challenging”

B2C Companies that Leverage ‘Marketing Automation’ Have Seen Conversions as High as 50%

Pages that Rank First on Google Search Results on Desktop have a 34.36% Click-Through Rate

Only About 22 Percent of Businesses are Satisfied With Their Conversion Rates

The Average Conversion Rate of Visitors Who Saw User Generated Content (UGC) is 161% Higher Than Those Who Didn’t

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Tools Offer a 223% ROI on Average

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