Do you Use Marketing Automation?

B2C Companies that Leverage ‘Marketing Automation’ Have Seen Conversions as High as 50%

Marketing automation software make a marketer’s life easy by not only automating repetitive tasks like posting social media content or sending emails but also nurturing prospects based on their behavior and preferences. For instance, if a website visitor abandons his shopping cart with items still in it then a reminder could be sent to ‘complete’ the purchase! It sure is an easy way to bump up conversions.

More 2018 Stats

Engagement Lost During the Body of a Video (96% of the video) is the Same Lost During the Nose (the first 2% of the video)

More than Three-Quarters of Online Shoppers Would Like their Orders Shipped the Same Day

40% of US Males Aged 18-34 Say They Would “Ideally Buy Everything Online”

23% of Users Will Abandon Their Shopping Cart if they Have to Create a New User Account

53% of Content Marketers Use Interactive Content in Lead Generation Efforts

80% of Consumers Had a Better Perception of Retailers That Offered Mobile Coupons

7 Top Converting Companies Spend More than 5% of their Budgets on Optimization

For Every $92 Spent Acquiring Customers, only $1 is Spent Converting Them

42% of Lead Gen Professionals Consider Lack of Quality Data a Major Challenge Around Quality Lead Generation

40% of Millennials Have Used Voice Search Before Making a Purchase Online, According to Studies

More Conversion Optimization Stats

The Average Conversion Rate of Visitors Who Saw User Generated Content (UGC) is 161% Higher Than Those Who Didn’t

Most Companies Spend Less than 5% of Marketing Budgets on Conversion Optimization

A Typical Website Conversion Rate is about 2.35% on Average

85 Percent of Consumers Conduct Online Research Before Making a Purchase Online

Engagement Lost During the Body of a Video (96% of the video) is the Same Lost During the Nose (the first 2% of the video)

Pages that Rank First on Google Search Results on Desktop have a 34.36% Click-Through Rate

There is a 70% greater likelihood of converting re-targeted visitors vs. those who are not

Only About 22 Percent of Businesses are Satisfied With Their Conversion Rates

Referrals Have the Highest Conversion Rates of all Customer Acquisition Channels at 3.74%

60% of deals in the pipeline are lost to “no decision” rather than to competitors.

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